pp108 : Querying by Where Clause

Querying by Where Clause

This topic describes the procedure to build a query data by using Where clause.

When you build a query, you have to build a business condition as a Group by Where clause to get the business data.

  1. Click the Where clause box to highlight the Where text box.
  2. Select attribute from the Attributes list and double-click the highlighted attribute. The selected attribute is added to the Whereclause box.

    Tip: You can add expressions for the Where clause to run a query.

    Note: A Where clause for each query will be a combination of the following macro:
    <field name> <operator> <value>

  3. To replace the operator tag, click <opr> and select the required expression from the Expressions list.
  4. To replace the value tag, click the <value>, and define the value by a parameter or a string:
    Option Description
    By a parameter Double-click the corresponding attribute in the Attributes list: The field name is added with a colon (:) before it, indicating that the value has to be input by the user. A parameter value can be recognized only if it has a colon (:) before the name. This should be provided when you type in the value of the parameter manually.
    Type in After selecting the tag, type the field name or the value, as required.

    The query data for the where clause is created.